Thursday, January 27, 2011

About Garden Plans and Ideas

I've been blogging about gardening for several years now. I've enjoyed propagating plants, vegetable gardening, flowers, trees shrubs, and tinkering in my garden but I've noticed that most people find my site ( while looking for plans and ideas for their own gardens. In order to help with the need for do-it-yourself garden plans I've put together this blog to focus on gardeners who want practical ideas that anyone could apply. Garden plans found here aren't meant to be followed to the letter (of course they can be) but rather they are meant for inspiration. Each plan is a general guideline for planting the various garden forms. If you like a design you are welcome to integrate it into your garden. If you happen to blog or own a website please request an image before using it online and include links to the original material.

Suggestions and requests are welcome but please keep in mind that it takes time to put these together. If you would like your own personalized plan for your vegetable garden, ornamental garden, or other garden feel free to contact me!

I hope you enjoy using these garden plans, layouts, and ideas in your landscape!

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