Over the years I've gardened almost exclusively in raised beds for a number of reasons: a tiller isn't needed, the gardener has complete control of the soil, the raised beds can be set up for a good crop rotation layout, and the garden isn't dependent on the local soil conditions! I could go on about the advantages of growing in raised beds but today I just wanted to share a couple links on my other blog Growing The Home Garden that discuss some design tips for vegetable gardens that use raised beds.
11 Tips for Designing a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
While the title is self-explanatory this post offers some ideas to think about before you lay out you vegetable garden's raised beds. Even if you have already set things up it may be worth a look to see if there's anything you may not have considered for your raised beds.
3 More Raised Bed Design Tips
After writing the first post I found three more design ideas to share.
Benefits of Gardening in Raised Beds
I think that it's always helpful to remind yourself of why you are gardening in raised beds to begin with! Check out these benefits to garden in raised beds and see if you can add any more advantages to the list!
If you find any of those posts helpful please share them with you friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, and email!